Monday, February 11, 2008


I give up. I absolutely give up.

I have said twice not to do it, but you, as usual, paid no heed to my emotions and my actions, and continued to play around. So when I get annoyed, it becomes my fault that I get annoyed because you throw a tantrum which, for once, I have no energy to deal with.

It always seem to be my fault, isn't it, no matter what happens. Never yours, mine, always. I said "Don't ask stupid questions" and you took that to mean that I insulted your intelligence, a phrase I absolutely ignored because my mood was steeply going downhill because of a MSN conversation I was having. Fine, it is a conversation which is between me and a girl I had a crush on, but I moved on . You took it to mean something else, and hey, again, without asking me. And hey, I have to find things out on your blog again.

Sometimes, I don't know what to think any more. I wonder why I even looked at your blog in the morning. Maybe it's because I wanted to know how you feel, because you seldom tell me your feelings, but prefer to spew it out on a blog instead.

I give up.


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